Vector Associates
Steel-Die Engravings of the 18th & 19th Century

11250 Old St. Augustine Rd. #15, Suite 133, Jacksonville, FL 32257
Voice Line: 904-660-7457

Last Updated April 2017

Steel-die engravings are a lost American art form. The quality of many of these engravings are superb, in fact better quality then what we see on our currency. These engravings are beautiful works of art to proudly display on your walls. Many of them depict famous events, people, and places in history. Most of them are black ink but we have some that use color inks or have been hand watercolored.

We divided up our large collection into general subject categories. We scanned in some of the engravings and placed them on the web site. They are the engravings with the stock number highlighted. Click on to the stock number and you will see a JPEG of the engraving. If there are some engravings that interest you E-mail us which ones (using the stock number).

The dimensions given are the size of the paper not the actual size of the picture. There is usually a white space of at least an inch around for mounting purposes. A small number of the engravings have cracks and tears on the edges of them. some Engravings have moisture discoloration's on them but that is expected from some of these engravings that are over 150 years old. We are lucky they still exist.

Key to the Numbering System:
Stock numbers with no letter in front of it means that the picture is a standard black ink engraving.
Stock number with an "L" after it stands for a lithograph. These lithographs are not the type we see printed today. They are continuous tone prints with hand watercolor added later.
Stock numbers with an "M" after it designates a map.
Stock numbers with an "GL" after it designates a gravure printing method.

Categories of the Engravings and Lithos:

Americana: Famous Americans, Places, Battles, Wildlife
US Currency, Old Maps
Canadian Subjects
South & Central America
European Subjects
French Subjects
German Subjects
Middle East Subject
Religious Subjects
Lithos including Currier & Ives

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1977-2017 Vector Associates
11250 Old St Augustine Rd., #15, Suite 133, Jacksonville, FL 32257

We accept MasterCard, VISA, Discove and AMEX.
We mail all engravings out by priority mail, insured.

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