V ector Associates was started as a publishing company in 1977. The first book, Reality Revealed, the Theory of Multidimensional Reality. We try to publish subjects that have a major impact on civilization or its institutions. We publish books about original discoveries in science, religion, and history. More than not, they overlap. Our books on Bible study are a secular presentation so both Jewish and Christian readers can learn from what is presented. Our science books introduce an alternate view of existence, which states that the Universe is the product of information and matter is not the dominant thing in the Universe. All the books listed below have dedicated pages that go into detail and include the table of contents and sometimes sample pages.
There is going to be a geomagnetic reversal on October 16, 2046. On that day hopefully man will be prepared and survive it. The following science books might help understand what and why it will happen.
The books we publish are trying to fix thousands of years of false history imposed upon man by rich and powerful families. Man has to be able to proceed ahead unfettered by these lies and other fictional stories. Our science books introduce an alternate view of existence, which states that the Universe is the product of information and matter is not the dominant thing in the Universe.
Mr. Vogt is a science writer/researcher and member of the Geological Society of America. He has been studying the causes of the geomagnetic reversals and ice ages since 1971. He is the first person to discover why the ice age happens immediately after the reversal. There is periodical global warming, but it is due to the solar activity, not mankind or carbon. Man has to be able to proceed ahead unfettered by false science and math philosophies. Our science books introduce an alternate view of existence, which states that the Universe is the product of information and matter is not the dominant thing in the Universe.
The books we publish are trying to fix years of bad science philosophy imposed upon man by government and university administrators who do not want to shake the boat. The author is one of the few people who has read the journals Science, Nature, and Geology from the 1950s to the 1990s. What he repeatedly noticed was that many times the journal articles contradicted what we were taught in textbooks and lectures. Most scientists do not even know why we have this matter-oriented theory of existence or who started it. If they did know the truth, they never would have continued with this false philosophy. The author is trying to get other scientists to look at reality differently because man cannot waste any more time because we are running out of time. The next geomagnetic reversal (polar reversal) is going to happen between September and December 2046. When the clock cycle occurs, our sun novas, the magnetic field reverses, the earth stops its rotation for about 8 hours, and then reverses motion. The result of the reversal action is that our oceans rush over the continents very fast and wipe everything clean. The heat from the nova causes evaporation of hundreds of feet of ocean water that eventually falls back on the earth as snow and then ice forming. To put it plainly, unless man prepares for this event, NOBODY MAKES IT! It does not matter how much money you have or how many degrees you earned. So my suggestion is that you put your ego away and start questioning what you were taught in universities and read these books and then try to get the government to start doing something to save some of us.